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Golden Eagles

Year 6 - September 2024

Term 6 documents

Useful Web Links for Home Learning

Art in the style of Keith Haring

Golden Eagles really enjoyed learning about the artist Keith Haring, who was part of the legendary New York art scene during the 1980s. We practised drawing in his style in our sketch books, before creating a final composition. 


In maths we have been learning to interpret line graphs. We were given a line graph, which had no title, labels or scale. We had to decide what continuous data the graph was showing and complete all the missing information. 


In science, we have started to learn about electrical circuits. We have learnt the scientific symbols for the different components that can make a circuit, so we can record our learning accurately. 

The Windrush

This term we have learning about the 'Windrush Generation', which refers to the people from the Caribbean who have settled in the UK from 1945 to 1971. The term 'Windrush Generation' came from the name of the ship that many of them travelled on in 1948 - HMT Empire Windrush. In class, we started by indentifying the countries in the Caribbean and then we researched the journey HMT Empire Windrush took. The 8,000 mile journey from the Caribbean to Tilbury Docks in Essex, UK took 30 days.

Cross country

We really enjoyed our annual cross-country event; we had perfect weather! All the children gave it thier best and pushed themselves to their limit! An extra well done to Archie and Maddie for being the first boy and girl in Year 6, and to James. S for winning sportmanship. 

Tea party and games

Watlington Primary School celebrated its 150th birthday! We had a great day of activities, ending with a tea party and games with our friends.

DT - Maya Masks

Masks played a central role in Maya culture. They were made for a variety of occasions and purposes; such as masks for celebrations, battle and death.  We explored the different designs and styles used by the Maya, and then designed our own mask to make. Our first step was to paper mache balloons for the base. 

Topic - The Ancient Maya Civilisation

This term, Golden Eagles are learning about the Maya Civilisation. They began around 2000BC and they are known for their amazing developments in agriculture, pottery, writing, maths and calendar making.

Science - refraction

In Science, we have been learning anout light and refraction. 

Light waves travel at a different speed when they go through other transparent materials, such as water or glass. This causes the rays of light to change direction and bend. This is known as refraction.

Refraction creates illusions. Because light bends when it travels between air and water or glass, objects seen through these materials look bent or distorted.

Playing cards maths!

Year 6 really enjoyed learning different games and maths related activities that we could do with a pack of cards!

WW2 cooking

During STEM week, we made oat biscuits from a WW2 rationing recipe - although we decided to use fresh eggs instead of dried eggs! They actually tasted really good!

Hoopster Planes

For the 'Big Science Event', we explored Hoopster planes, which are made from a straw and paper hoops. We investigated whether the length of the straw/size of the hoop/material of the straw/amount of hoops affected the speed or distance of the plane. 

Year 6 residential - March 2024 - PGL liddington 

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

We’re here!

Maths Journalling

Maths journalling is used by learners to record their methods, explanations and ideas for solving maths problems and learning of mathematical concepts. They can explain their thinking using diagrams, images or written explanantions. Here are some examples of maths journalling, where learners had to explain their understanding of percent. 

Mental Health Week - photo booth

Artwork inspired by The Blitz

The cause of WW2 and the leaders

The axis and allied powers

Dance at Icknield

This term, Year 6 have had a dance session each week at Icknield. The dance teacher has organised a project, involving years 4, 5 and 6 from Watlington Primary School and pupils studying dance at Icknield. Each year group learns a different routine, which will be put togther when it's finished. 


Year 6 really enjoyed helping Bats class make Advent wreaths. Each wreath had four candles, with 'joy', 'hope', 'love' and 'peace' written on them. 

Artwork inspired by Picasso 


Year 6 started their 'Bikeabiliy' training today! Bikeability is a nationally accredited cycle training scheme, which provides trainees with the necessary skills to ride on today's roads. Level 1 takes place on the playground, where they focus on basic cycling skills, before going out onto the roads to complete level 2.

Outdoor Learning Day

Year 6 really enjoyed their outdoor day! We started with 'outdoor maths', which included trying to measure the height the of a tree. You do this by standing at the base of the tree and then walking away from it until you can see the tree when you look up through your legs. The distance you are away from the base of the tree is equivalent to the height. We also spent some time with our Year 1 buddies,  where we completed a scavenger hunt and built dens in forest school. We ended the day with some outdoor artwork, using only natural resources. 

Topic - Christopher Columbus 

We have been learning about Christopher Columbus, as part of our topic on U.S.A. We studied his life, the voyages he went on and the discoveries he made. Although he did not discover America, he did start regular contact between Europe and America. Did you know, Christopher Columbus' largest ship, was less than 23m long! 

Languages morning


The transition from Early Years to Year 1 is a big one - but don't worry, Year 6 are here to help! Each child from Golden Eagles is given a child from Bats class to become 'buddies' with. The older children mentor, encourage and support the younger children through their first year at 'big school'. We had a great time getting to know each other today; we learnt all about our buddy's interests and hobbies and we had lots of fun playing games together.

Drama - freeze frames

Year 6 had to create freeze frames, based on one of the scenes from our class text, 'Wonder'. We used evidence from the text to determine our postitioning, body language and facial expressions. The rest of the class had to guess which scene it was and which character each child was. 

Science - Classifying Conundrums!

Scientists believe there could be as many as 10 million different species on Earth! 

That's why they group living things according to their similarities and differences - this is called classification. To begin our new unit in science, Year 6 were given the challenge of designing their own zoo. They had to decide how to group a wide selection of animals and justify their choices to the class. 


We have been learning about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset in Year 6. Did you know, you can actually train your brain and you are capable of learning ANYTHING - if you have the right mindset! The children created some videos and posters explaining the difference.

Maddy and Konomi.MOV

Noah and Dougie.MOV

Term 5 documents

Term 3 spellings

Welcome to Year 6!

We hope you all had a lovely summer.

Please see below for home learning documents for Term 1.

Home Learning Documents Term 2

Home Learning Documents Term 1