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Welcome to Foxes Class Page

Here you will find important information about our learning and updates as to what we have been doing in class.

Find links to our latest topic web and home learning grid below. Each week, please make sure one task from the home learning grid is completed alongside regular reading, spelling and times tables practise.

Feel free to contact me via the class email address if you have any queries or questions.

PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday. 

Useful Web Links for Home Learning

Term 6


Scientist Study


Some vibrant examples of our Paul Klee inspired digital drawings!

Arts Week

We spent the week looking at the work of Paul Klee, who was a musician, teacher and writer, as well as a famous artist. Klee had an individual style and is best known for his abstract, colourful paintings.

Sports Day

Library Visit

On Thursday, we went to Watlington Library to meet author, Jackie Holderness. Jackie is the author of The Princess Who Hid in a Tree. The Foxes got to dress up as some of the characters from the book and were able to ask Jackie lots of questions about the book and being an author. It’s was a very enjoyable and informative visit!


Congratulations to all the children for their AMAZING performance in assembly on Friday. Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us. 



There’s been some lovely imaginative writing in Foxes class over the fast few weeks. We’ve focused on setting and character description and have learnt how similes can be added to aid our descriptions and create a vivid picture in the readers mind. 

Tanka Poems

Cross Country Run

A huge well done to all of the children who ran last Friday, everyone tried so hard. It was also lovely to see such great support and encouragement towards each other. Congratulations to our medal winners, Ryan, Katie and Tibby. 

End of Term 5

It’s been a very busy and fun end to term! On Friday, we celebrated the schools 150th Anniversary. We marked the occasion by: designing a new school sign and bunting, completing a maths challenge and discussing what school life is like at Watlington, we also enjoyed a wonderful tea party on Friday morning. Thank you so much for all your kind food donations; the children loved celebrating as a class. 


This week, we completed a short poetry unit, which we began by learning and preforming poems. We went on to write our own Tanka and Haiku poems; these are traditional Japanese poems that follow a set pattern and number of syllables per line. This type of poetry, doesn’t rhyme, isn’t punctuated and is often based around nature or one of the seasons. 



Science Investigation

We carried out an investigation to explore the requirements of plants for life and growth. Each group decided upon a variable that they would not give the seed once planted (air, light, water or soil), they then monitored the impacted this had on the plants growth over several weeks.


Making Guacamole 


Some brilliant examples of writing from this week. We spent the week innovating the text. During this phase we start to change aspects of the model text using new ideas. Exploring the text using different characters, settings or events and new ideas whilst sticking closely to the underlying structure. 


Last week, we started our new computing topic. Over the course of the unit, the class will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The Foxes did a great job learning about sprites and experimenting on Scratch during their first lesson. I look forward to seeing their creations over the coming weeks! 

Oxford Botanic Gardens 

What a wonderful day! The children were all fantastic and we learnt lots about the Rainforest and the plants that can be found there. 

Home Learning 

A letter has been sent home regarding the new home learning platform, ATOM. Children should now have their login, so they are ready to access the work that will be set. We have also sent home logins for TTRockstars and Spelling Shed. Should you have any questions regarding the home learning, please get in touch. 


We have started a short block of dance sessions taking place at Icknield. This week, we started to learn a short dance routine, the children were brilliant and there was some lovely dancing by the Foxes.

Term 4

STEM Week 

We had a busy last week of term focusing on STEM activities. Throughout the week we: carried out a science investigation, explored the work of scientist Marie Curie and completed a DT project which involved designing and making a moving image. 


In groups, we carried out a science investigation to answer the question- Do people with longer femurs jump further? Before starting, we made predictions and discussed how we were going to ensure that it was a fair test. Once complete, we evaluated the investigation and explored the results. It was concluded that, people with longer femurs don’t necessary jump further. 

Marie Curie 

Marie Curie is considered to be one of the most influential scientists of all time, her work focused on radioactivity. Did you know? Marie was the first women to win a Nobel prize and the only person to receive Nobel prizes in two difference areas of science.  


During STEM week, we looked at mechanisms and created a moving image using a lever and linkage. The results were impressive! Once completed, we evaluated the overall design and moving mechanism, considering how we could make improvements next time.


Alma Thomas Artwork 

World Book Day 

Outdoor Learning Afternoon

This term in RE our we are learning about symbolism. During week one, we discussed the Watlington school badge and motto and how they represent/symbolise our school. 

We started our new science topic, Animals, Including Humans by labelling the human skeleton. 

In English, we have started a new unit of writing on newspaper reports. So far we have, learnt the model text with actions, identified the main features of newspaper reports and defined some of the vocabulary. Next week, we will continue to explore the text further and practice using some of the features within our own writing. 

Term 3

Mental Health Week 

A few pictures from the last week of what has been a really busy term! 

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Parents Evening; it was great to catch up with you all and talk about your child's progress.

Throughout the week, we spent time celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week by: discussing mental health and what it means, making affirmations cards, creating LOVE inspired artwork and dressing to express ourselves! 

Egyptian Artwork


Terrific Topic 

Some of this terms fantastic topic work. During the term we have being looking at, the mummification process, the importance of the pyramids and the Egyptians beliefs surrounds Gods and Goddesses. 

Drumming Workshop

Week 1 & 2

We have had such a brilliant and busy start to the term. 

We have:

  • Started our new topic on Ancient Egypt- Everyone seems to be enjoying this so far!
  • Learnt and practiced our new model text in English, which is a portal story about a boy who travels back in time. 
  • Began using formal written methods for multiplication in maths. 
  • Carried out a science experiment investigating the distance a toy car travels on different surfaces. We discovered that, with smoother surfaces the car travels a greater distance as there is less friction.


Icknield Dance Workshop 

Last week we attended a dance workshop at Icknield; the children learnt and performed a short dance routine, all of which were excellent! This week, we are heading back for a drumming workshop. 

Term 2

What a brilliant and busy end to the term it has been! Wishing you all a wonderful break and a very Merry Christmas. 

Christmas Jumper Day


We’ve been working on creating animations in our computing lessons. In the first lesson we looked a moving images and made flip books. We then created animations on the iPads where the Foxes came up with some great creative designs! 

Topic Work

All Stars Cricket

Another busy week in Foxes. We’ve continued our writing on non chronological reports and have been applying all the features we’ve learnt to writing a new report about polar bears. 

Remembrance Day Artwork 

What a brilliant start to term 2! In English we have begun our new unit of writing on non- chronological reports. So far we have learnt our model text, analysed the key features of non-chronological reports and defined some of the vocabulary found within the text. 

In maths we have been looking at formal methods of addition and subtraction. We have been using the column method to add and subtract 3 digit numbers. 

Term 1

Home Learning 

A huge well done on the wonderful home learning this term Foxes! It has been lovely to watch the Foxes sharing work with the rest of the class that they’ve clearly worked so hard on at home. 

Week 6

Thank you to all that attended parents evening; it was great to discuss the children’s wonderful work and progress so far in year 3. 

We had a busy and exciting end to the term. The children loved our visiting theatre company this week, following on from our unit on persuasion the children created persuasive adverts in English following the performance. 
In science we completed our experiment which aimed to test the permeability of different soil types. After making predictions and discussing how we would ensure it was a fair test, we carried out the experiment as a class and then drew conclusions. 

Fun French 

Week 5

This week in our computing lesson we trialled drawing on the iPads and comparing it to drawing on paper, the majority of the class preferred using pencil and paper as they were able to add in more details.

We’ve planned and completed our Stone Age diary entries in English, which are all fantastic. We ended the week with Outdoor Learning Day, during which we used the outdoor nature trail, went into forest school and created some natural artwork inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy. 

Outdoor Learning Day

Week 4

It has been a fun week in Foxes Class! On Tuesday we celebrated European Languages Day by researching facts and information about Spain, we also learnt some simple Spanish phrases. In English, we innovated our model text and created our own version with lots of shared writing as a class. Next week, the children will begin to plan and write their own Stone Age diary entries. 

Representing numbers in a variety of ways through Maths journaling 

Police Officer Hays 

We had a visit from Police Officer Hayes this morning who delivered an important lesson on differences, bullying and where to go if you are being bullied. The children completed a fun activity where they got to learn the similarities and differences between one another.

Week 3 

Another brilliant week in Foxes Class! We began to look at the writing features within our model text including adverbs, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. The Foxes applied what they had learnt and created some fantastic writing. Our science topic this term is rocks; this week, we looked at a variety of rocks and began to compare them based on their appearance and properties. 

Impressive dance routines in PE this week! 

Week 1 & 2

This term our writing unit is based around a diary entry. To start the unit, the Foxes wrote their own diary entries to demonstrate what they already knew. They then went on to learn and memorise the model text, a diary written by Ug (the Stone Age boy genius) who is looking something softer to wear! The children came up with creative and memorable actions in order to help them recall and remember the structure of the text, which will in turn, help to develop their own writing skills.


The Foxes have had such a fantastic start to Year 3 and the new academic year! They have been incredibly busy already and produced some wonderful pieces of work across the curriculum. 

See below their brilliant monochromatic self portraits, which were created during the first week back.