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Wonder Club!

We all enjoyed our final Wonder Club today! We went out with a bang pop fizz! We made volcanic lemons, oily lava lamps and an eruption. Ask us what a reaction is! Well done everyone!

Today we made slime using cornflour and water or oil. We observed the difference between the two methods and spoke about how to keep our tests fair. Ask us about the 'one variable we changed'.

The results are in! Wonder Club discovered that the eggs soaked in both Coca Cola, flavoured water and Fruit Shoots - whether or not they were covered in toothpaste, resulted in the egg shells turning very soft and changing colour to dark brown with black spots on. Ask us more about our observations and findings! We then tested what else might happen to our teeth when we mix sweets with saliva (water!).

Today we predicted how much sugar certain popular drinks contained. Wonder Club discussed how drinks with fruits on the front of packaging made you think they were healthy drinks. The results suprised most of us! We then began an experiment where two teams - the 'Protectors' and the 'Unprotectors' dunked eggs into a range of liquids in order to discover whether eggs covered in toothpaste are more protected than those that aren't. We will observe what happens and report the results next week!

Today Wonder Club thought about how to make different types of bird feeders for birds with different types of beaks. We hoped our feeders would help any families participating in the Big Garden Birdwatch.

Wonder Club 2024 is back! Today we tested the best method in combating germs. Ask us what we found out.

Wonder Club 2023. Learning about pushes and pulls by playing 'tug of war' and making catapults.

Thinking about what might happen to our skittles' colours when added to water plus making rainbows!

Predicting what might happen when we mix different liquids.

WOW! Such good fun!

The final countdown!