Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
PGL residential information
KS2 SATs information 2025
World Book Day
We've really enjoyed World Book Day in Golden Eagles. Have a look in our gallery to see some photos of our costumes! We looked at an illustrator this year and created our own art using their style. We learnt about Artemis Fowl, written by Eoin Colfer. It has been adapted into a graphic novel and we looked at some of the pictures. Look in our gallery for some of our artwork.
Sports Commentaries
Some of us have been learning about the language and features of sports commentaries. We wrote and recorded our own commentaries, and added them to stop motion animations we created. Enjoy!
Sports commentary
Year one have been learning about 2d shapes in maths. During our ‘buddy’ session, the younger children created Christmas pictures, using the shapes they’ve been studying. The older children supported and questioned their buddies on the shapes, to help consolidate their understanding.
Peter Pan pantomine
We really enjoyed watching the pantomime ‘Peter Pan’ this afternoon!
Topic - the Native Americans
After learning about Christopher Columbus' voyages, we learnt about the Native Americans. We looked at some of their traditions, beliefs and the importance of the buffalo. We also learnt about the devastating impact the Western colonisation had on the Native Americans.
Maths journalling
Maths journalling gives us an opportunity to show our understanding using words, images and diagrams. We have been learning about factors and multiples along with squared and cubed numbers.
Fig has been found!
We have been studying American pop artists in Golden Eagles. We’ve been looking at artwork by Romero Britto, and we created our own art in his style.
We have been learning about microorganisms and how to classify them. To do this, we need to look at the structure of their cells. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, which contains organised DNA. Whereas prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus, so the DNA is free within the cell. We made our own eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells out of playdough.
Science - is yeast a living organism?
In science we've been learning about microorganisms. We discovered that yeast is a living organism and we investigated which conditions make it release the most carbon dioxide.
Languages Morning
We really enjoyed spending the morning learning some of the languages that are spoken in our school. These included Japanese, Ukrainian,Tagalog (from the Philippines) and Shona (from Zimbabwe).
A card from Fig!
Topic - USA
We've really enjoyed learning about our topic this term - the USA! To begin, we revised the continents and the main countries in the world, before looking more closely at the geography of the USA. We've researched some of the states and looked at the vast array of human and physical features America has to offer. Next we are going to learn about some of the history of the USA, including Christopher Columbus, the Native Americans and the Civil Rights movement.
A very special time for Year 6 - meeting their Year 1 buddies! Each child in Golden Eagles is given a child from Bats class to look after during their first year in 'big school'! Today they played games, got to know each other and listened to their buddy read.
Meeting Fig
I.M.P.S (Injury Minimisation Programme)
Year 6 had some very useful lessons with I.M.P.S this morning. We learnt about how to prevent injuries and how to respond in emergencies. Firstly, we were taught the acronym: DRS ABC (Danger, Response, Send for help, Airways, Breathing, Compressions). We were shown basic life support including the recovery position, chest compressions and how to use an AED. We practised how to make a 999 call and found out the kind of questions we would be asked.
Science - classifying animals
To begin our science unit on 'living things and their habitats', we had to design our own zoo. We were given a range of animals and we had to decide how to group them, based on their similarities and differences. We then had to present our zoo to the class, explaining and justifying our choices.