Year 3
Welcome to Foxes Class Page
Welcome back to Term 4. We hope you had a wonderful break.
This term we are continuing our Ancient Egyptian topic, which the children have been thoroughly enjoying!
This term, we are continuing PE on Thursday and then will be swimming on Tuesdays.
Thursday 27th February 2025
We have had a busy first week back with our trip to Neasden Temple on Wednesday. Here is what some of the children thought about the day-
' I liked the statues outside', Bonnie.
'The service was quite beautiful, I got to see all the Gods', Rose.
'I was really impressed by the man who was singing', Izzy.
'I liked the dome and all the patterns', Otis.
'The carvings were unreal', Maria.
'I was so impressed by how they did all the detailed cravings', Olivia.
'I really loved the calming music upstairs', Joel.
Term 2
Christmas fun together. We have enjoyed playing with shaving foam, putty, disco lights and a singing reindeer!
Writing up our non chronological reports.
We have been enjoying the colours of the Christmas tree and looking at our special Christmas story books. We have also loved playing with putty.
Comparing drawing on a digital device and on paper.
Santa Helicopter Visit
This week we have been enjoying sensory circuits and exploring outdoors.
This week we’ve been innovating our model text. On Tuesday, we researched information and facts on polar bears appearance. We then used this research to write a paragraph that could be included within a non chronological report.
Still Life
We finished our drawing unit by creating these striking still life pictures. First we designed the background using different lines with pen, then we carefully shaded the objects in the foreground. These look amazing on our classroom display!
We studied Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. She liked to paint using polka dots and repeated patterns. She used complimentary colours when painting - these are colours that lie directly across from each other on a colour wheel. They are opposite hues, containing one warm colour and one cool colour. When she was growing up, Yayoi's family grew pumpkins at home. As a child, she drew pumpkins and continued this when she was an adult. We had a go at creating our own pumpkin artwork inspired by Yayoi.
Week 5
Week 4
Autumn Poetry Performance
Week 3
We were using careful observation stills this week to draw a still life picture.
Week 2
We began our animation unit this week by making flip books! We discussed whether it is possible for an image to move and the animations that we have seen before.
This week in Science, we compared a variety of rocks based on their appearance and properties.
Cave Paintings
To immerse into the topic of the Stone Age, Year 3 got the opportunity to create their very own cave paintings. We looked at some examples and discussed how the pigments and marks may have been made.
Another brilliant week in Foxes class. In maths, we continued to work on place value, we were looking at representing and partitioning numbers up to 1000. We ended the week by completing a journalling activity to demonstrate our understanding. Next week, we will be looking at number lines up to 1000 and estimating numbers on a number line.
ATOM Learning
On Friday afternoon, Foxes took the Atom Learning maths baseline assessment on the iPads. Each week, maths questions will be added to Atom for the children to complete at home as part of their home learning. These questions will be on concepts that we are learning in class. The learning platform works on an algorithm, so it’s best if the children carry out these tasks independently.
🌿 Pond Visit 🌿
Week 1
Foxes have had a such a positive start to Year 3! They’ve come into Key Stage 2, focused and ready to take on new challenges.
This term, we are learning to write a diary entry. We began the unit by creating actions to the model text; this allows us to memorise the text which will then aid our own independent writing.
PC Ben
On Wednesday, we had an important visit from a police officer. During the visit, she talked about being kind and ways to stay safe. We completed venn diagrams, which showed the similarities and differences between us. It was a wonderful morning, and the children asked some valuable questions.
Our RE topic is worship. We discussed what worship is and the different places people may choose to worship. We then thought about the people, places and things that are important to us.