Term 4
Term 2
PE will begin on Tuesdays after half term (TERM 2)
Children come to school wearing their PE kit of black or navy joggers or shorts and red PE t-shirt. They need trainers with VELCRO, no laces please. We change in and out of our shoes several times a day, to put our wellies on, so we cannot manage laces. PE lessons will be indoors, in the hall.
Thank you.
Please see link below to archived pages, for extra information on Healthy Smiles.
Christmas Dates
Term 2 Newsletter Robins and Hedgehogs Classes
Term 2 Home Learning Grid
Term 2 Topic Web
A final week which included: Christmas crafts, baking for the party (the party), a Christmas lunch (with a visit from Father Christmas), a visit to Forest School and a final push for letter writing and a few phonics assessments thrown in! We have been busy!!
And just like that, it's a wrap!! The Sleeepy Shepherds are hanging up their crooks for another year, the angels are folding up their wings and the kings are putting their feet up. A big thank you to all our families for their support in finding costumes and for coming along to support us. The whole team were really proud of all the children, for a superb performance.
We walked to St Leonard's Church this week to see the beautiful Christmas trees and sing a nativity song. We talked about how the church is a special place to Christians and why we celebrate Christmas.
It’s getting colder, but that doesn’t deter the hardy Hedgehogs from playing their favourite games outside with their friends.
When a child brings you this, it just has to be shared! For those of you not used to decoding Reception writing it says: I love being a Hedgehog.
After reading ‘The Way Back Home and seeing the alien in the story, the children got involved in making their own aliens from paper. They drew around Ruby, to get an outline. Next they changed the picture by adding more alien-like features, such as a crazy head or extra arms!
This week the children found out about the Hindu festival of Diwali. They made Rangoli patterns, in chalk, outside. We read stories about Rama and Sita and disoovered what happens during this special celebration.
The children are learning to write their names, with a capital letter at the beginning.
Term 1
Curriculum Evening Presentation Sep, 2024
Terms 1 and 2 Phonics Grid - Phase 2
Term 1 Newsletter Early Years
Term 1 Topic Web
Term 1 Home Learning
Two weeks ago we found a real life hedgehog in the Robin's garden. We decided it was definately in need of some extra care, so we packed it off in a comfy box to Tiggywinkles Hospital, kindly driven by a baffled Mr Challis! We have had an update on our patient today..... she is doing really well and is still being cared for at the hospital. We were told it was the right thing to do, as she shouldn't have been out during the middle of the day. Mr Challis is so relieved!!
Toast Cafe was a little bit special this week because Mrs Brown brought in her bread maker. The children made bread from scratch, baked it and then tasted it. It was delicious!
What an eventful and exciting week! The Three Bears had a visit from Goldilocks, and they wrote to us, asking for our help. She broke their chair (we fixed that for them) and left porridge all over the floor. We built security cameras, devised locking systems and security codes, put up signs, brought a new front door and built a front wall. Goldilocks has not come back, so I think our efforts paid off.
We were very keen to visit the pond this week to look for creatures and plants. We heard some noisy magpies too, chattering away! Ask us about what we saw.
This week we had a pair of tortoises visit just for the day, they are called Norman and Norman. The children enjoyed meeting them. We learnt about camouflage and hibernation and how to care for a pet, it was a fun day!
Here are just a few of the things we have been getting up to in our first weeks in Hedgehogs class.
Week 2 (our 1st full week)
As we approach the end of this week I just wanted to say a massive WELL DONE to all our lovely Hedgehogs. They have all been working so hard to listen, to reply when spoken to, to be kind, polite and helpful. There are lots of new things to learn and to remember and they are really trying.
A particular highlight for me this week has been the response to READING. I have been delighted to read so many comments in reading record books, showing how children have shared / read /interacted with their reading books at home. THIS IS AN EXCELLENT START!
Please remember to keep the books inside the books bag so we can also read with your child at school. I have given each child a reading day, to be confirmed, and will share this in due course. Thanks lovely parents!
Welcome to all our new Hedgehogs! Today's children were amazing, so kind and polite to one another. I look forward to seeing our next new starters tomorrow.
REMINDER: Children all need a pair of wellies and some waterproof trousers in school, and a bag of spare clothes please. All these things stay on their peg for the whole year.
They do not need PE kit. PE lessons don't start until after October half term, and children will come into school already wearing PE kit. They will stay in their PE clothes all day.