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Statutory Information

Contact Information

Headteacher: Gemma Sterjo

Chair of Governors: Mr Finbar McGaughey

School Business Manager:  Lee Warner

Office Manager: Mrs Suzie Bradley

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Jonathan Gale


Address: Watlington Primary School, Love Lane, Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5RB

Telephone: 01491 612474


Requests for Paper Copies

If you require a paper copy of any information on this site, we will provide this. Please contact our school office by email or telephone.

Our School Ethos and Values

“Bright Futures for All”

Our School Vision

We are a child centered, caring and motivational school.

We support each other in a spirit of openness and inclusivity.

We work with integrity to ensure all children have the skills they need to achieve their ambitions.

School Values

Our values guide our behaviours and thinking so that we can create a purposeful and happy school community. Our ‘Values Ladders’ help us celebrate this culture across the school and remind us that during work or at play we should all be demonstrating our values and working to improve them. Our values apply to children, adults and visitors.  

Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Resilient.

Please visit our Vision and Values page by clicking here: Vision and Values

Admissions Arrangements

Children are admitted into school in accordance with Oxfordshire County Council admissions arrangements which are published on the County Council Website. You can find further information about our admissions, including our Admissions Policy here: Admissions

Behaviour Policy

Our Behaviour Policy is the statement of principles, aims and strategies for promoting positive behaviour at Watlington Primary School. We aim to ensure that every member of our school community feels valued and respected. We work in partnership with parents and the wider community, sharing the values of respect and mutual trust.

As a school we ensure that parents and carers are fully informed of our approach to behaviour management by communicating it via our Home-School Agreement, newsletters and the School’s website.

To view our Behaviour Policy, click here: Policies

Charging & Remissions Policy

Please click the following link to view our Charging & Remissions Policy: Policies

Complaints Procedure

Our School Complaints Procedure and Policy can be found by clicking on the following link: Policies


Please click here to visit our Curriculum area of the website to find out information about our school's approaches to teaching & learning, including subject information and class topic webs.

If you would like any further information about the curriculum please ask your child's teacher directly or contact the school office.

Exam & Assessment Results

Please view our School Performance area of our website for further details by clicking here: Performance and Results

Equality Objectives and Accessibility Plan

Please view our school Equality objectives and Accessibility Plan by clicking here: Policies

Governor Information and Duties

To find out further information about the Governing Body at Watlington Primary School, including details of committees and records of any business, financial or governance interests, please visit our Governor area by clicking here: Meet the Governors

OFSTED Reports

Please view our most recent school OFSTED report by clicking here: Ofsted Reports

PE & Sports Premium

PE & Sport Premium is funding provided to primary schools to enhance the provision of PE and sport. 

Please click here to find out further information about the Sports Premium Funding and view our annual report: Sport Funding

Performance Tables

Please click here for the School Performance Tables: Performance and Results

Pupil Premium

At Watlington Primary School, we spend our Pupil Premium funding in effective ways, considering both the academic and social needs of the children in our care. We target the funding well from the outset, being responsive and flexible to individual needs and use progress and tracking procedures to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual pupils. Strategies are routinely evaluated and analysed, as is the impact upon pupil attainment.

Please read the Pupil Premium Review and Pupil Premium Strategy and by clicking here: Pupil Premium

Reading & Phonics

We use ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’ (ELS) to teach phonics. For more information, please click here:Communication

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Watlington Primary School takes its responsibility under section 11 of the Children Act and duties under “working together” to safeguard and promote the welfare of children very seriously. We work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements exist within our setting to identify, and support those children who are suffering harm or are likely to suffer harm. 

Please read our Safeguarding Policy by clicking here: Safeguarding Page.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) & Disability Information

At Watlington, we welcome each child into our school community as a valued member and acknowledge that every individual has particular qualities and needs.

You can view our SEND Information Report, SEND Policy and further information about the SEND Local Offer by clicking here: SEND

Time taken off by Union Officials

January 2025: No Union Officials have taken any time off for Union duties at any point in the last 12 months.

Trust Information

For more information about the Acer Trust, please visit their website: Click here.