At Watlington, we welcome each child into our school community as a valued member and acknowledge that every individual has particular qualities and needs.
A person has Special Educational Needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
Types of SEND
- Communication and Interaction (eg. speech and language difficulties, ASC)
- Cognition and Learning (general or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia)
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (eg. ADHD, attachment disorders)
- Physical and/or Sensory ( eg. hearing , visual impairment, DCD)
At Watlington we aim to identify pupils with SEND and ensure that their needs are met so that that they make the best possible progress, achieve their full potential and join in with all the activities of the school. We aim to work in partnership with pupils and parents at all times.
Day to day support for all pupils is directed by the class teacher with additional support from Teaching Assistants.
Should you have any further queries please feel free to approach your child's class teacher or Mrs Doran (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) who can be contacted via the school office.
For our school SEN Information Report and SEN Policy, please see below.
Useful Websites
- Acer Trust Policy Statement on Special Education Needs and Disability
- Autism Family Support Oxfordshire
- Autism Family Support and Support Programmes for Families
- Local support groups for parents and play dates for children with additional needs Updates weekly
- Oxfordshire local offer
- SENDIASS (formerly Parent Partnership)
Additional resources
- A website to explore emotions. The balls of emotion link to our well-being check ins at school.
- A growing interactive library to showcase all of the amazing emotional literacy rich stories out there.
- A bank of breathing breaks, guided meditiation and movement breaks.
- A list of FREE Speech, Language, communication, Occupational therapy, and SEND resources for schools and parent/carers.
- Free downloadable resources to support transitions, emotional regulation, attention to tasks and many more - on the homepage.
- An A-Z directory of SEND information/advice/support.